How Hard Do Honeybees Work?

A honeybee deposits nectar into a honeycomb cell. Source: Carolina Honeybees

Our natural throat drops have centers of pure liquid honey, the result of a lot of honeybees' hard work!

A honeybee typically makes 10 to 15 trips per day from the hive. Each trip she makes in search of nectar, pollen and water can last up to an hour, traveling as far as five miles. Once back at the hive, the foraging bee transfers the nectar to a sister who adds enzymes before depositing it in an empty honeycomb cell. The nectar is then fanned by the wings of multiple bees to evaporate out excess moisture. Only then is it capped with beeswax, with the added enzymes completing the transformation of nectar into the amazing honey found in each of our natural cough drops.




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